Support & FAQ

Looking for some help and assistance on Privanda and our Mobile/Web platforms? Here's a great place to get started, including a getting started guide to our Mobile App platform, frequently asked questions below. We're continuing to publish new helpful guides on using the Privanda secure cloud. If you're stuck, we're happy to receive an email at support(at) and we'll try and respond as quick as we can. We'll also be launching a support/users forum soon so you will be able to post questions and get answers online to any of your queries.

Getting Started with Privanda?

We've created a simple getting started guide based on our Mobile app platform. This will walk you through the download and setup process to help get you started.
Click here to read the Mobile getting started guide.

Frequently asked questions.


Privanda is built on the principles of security, privacy and anonymity. We're using the latest best of class security technology and cryptography to keep everything secure. Although it may seem really simple, behind the scenes there's a lot going on. If you're interested, we've tried to explain in simple terms our encryption and security methodology which you can read here.


Privanda has a number of features to protect your information in case of a lost mobile device. First, the device is protected with a 6 digit PIN which you would have set initially, without someone knowing that PIN they can't access your account/information. Additionally, if a user enters your 6 digit PIN the wrong way too many times the app automatically deletes all the data, thus protecting you from unwanted login attempts. (Enabled by default, but can be disabled in the mobile app).
Lastly, if you can't recover your phone and it's still connected to the Internet in some way, Privanda offers a remote-wipe capability which can be sent in real-time to the device. This immediately securely deletes all the information for Privanda, and resets the app back to default settings, with none of your user information. You can access this feature from within the Privanda WebDesk. This is a particularly handy feature if you need to quickly delete the contents of your secure app.


Due to the security capabilities and nature of Privanda, we are unable to offer password recovery. Once you've lost a master password we can't help you get it back. We'd recommend you create a new account, but you will need to use a different nickname as the previous one is taken. We will be providing password resets (for account passwords already known) soon, but forgotten passwords cannot be recovered or verified.


Privanda fully supports sync across multi devices, however this is a premium feature, so you will need to activate your account as a premium account (small charge). Once enabled, all messages, contacts, storage and shares will be synchronised across the devices. Initial sync cannot read older messages, and new devices attached to an account will only pick up your messages from the create date going forward. If your device is disconnected from the network for a long period of time, it may fall out of sync and have to be reconfigured.


Actually we don't ask for them, but they are there if you wish to enter them. The information helps others on the Privanda network understand who you are and can verify your identity. You are not required to enter them. You are in complete control, depending on what you wish to enter, allows others to determine how to communicate with you. If you wish to be anonymous, you can be, if you want to just safely talk to friends you can enter the information to help others find you.


Privanda Mobile provides you with direct secure access on mobile devices for Android, Apple (and soon to be windows). Our Web platform can be used to perform certain Privanda functions, but due to the real-time nature of messaging, our messaging platform is not available within the web environment. You can access your account, configure settings as well as securely store files in your vault and send secure files via our sharing platform.
You can access the web platform at


Privanda Premium is an account enhancement that increases a number of additional benefits on the Privanda network. Privanda Premium is a small fee of $4.99, and can be activated on a mobile device or our WebDesk platform. Premium features include sending HD Quality Images, Video as well as sending sharing files with secure one-time passwords and multi device sync. Other features such as remote wipe, limits on storage etc also apply. Privanda however is completely free and you can access most of the features and capabilities without the need to purchase the Privanda Premium service. Once activated, it applies to your account and will work across multiple devices.


No, Privanda is a communications and secure storage platform, the Privanda Mobile App requires internet connectivity to receive encrypted channels and data from our directory servers and other devices/contacts.